How to Eat Right for Your Prostate

How to Eat Right for Your Prostate

If you want to support your prostate, you might be looking for lifestyle recommendations to help you out. Did you know that your diet can have a significant impact on the health of this important gland? Below, we give you some simple recommendations that will help you eat right for your prostate.

1. Moderate salt and sugar.

If you want to keep your prostate functioning at its best, you should avoid overindulging in sugar. That means not just cutting back on cakes and donuts, but also making sure you are not drinking too many sugary beverages.

Along with reducing the amount of sugar you are eating, consider doing likewise with salt. Watch out for processed foods that include a lot of added sodium.

2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Harvard says, “Instead of focusing on specific foods, dieticians, physicians, and researchers tout an overall pattern of healthy eating.”

The site then recommends that you choose healthy whole grains, and that you eat a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. While you can eat meat, Harvard suggests that you do not go overboard with red meats in particular.

For healthy fats, Harvard suggests olive oil, avocados and nuts.

3. Eat more fish.

Prostate Cancer Foundation says fish can be a good dietary option for promoting prostate health. Specifically, the site states, “One study, led by Harvard scientists Fred Tabung, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., and Edward Giovannucci, M.D., Sc.D., examined the relationship between diet and inflammation and found that canned tuna, shrimp, lobster, scallops, and “other” fish were more inflammatory than ‘dark-meat’ fish like salmon or red snapper.”

So, you may want to favor those “dark-meat” fish options.

4. Drink tea and coffee.

Prostate Cancer Foundation also recommends drinking tea or coffee to support prostate health. But the site points out that this healthy habit will not be so healthy if you put a lot of sugar in either beverage.

Instead, we suggest you consider using another natural sweetener. One idea might be to try stevia. Made from the extract of a plant called Stevia rebaudiana, stevia is backed by decades of research, and is a safe, healthy alternative to sugar.

5. Eat more tomatoes.


Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene. Research suggests that lycopene could be good for supporting prostate health. Tomatoes also contain many other healthy nutrients your body will appreciate.

Now you have some recommendations for how to eat right for prostate health. As you can see, it is not complicated. Indeed, eating right for your prostate basically means following common sense dietary practices for general good health. So, it is not only your prostate that will benefit, but the rest of your body as well.








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