5 Diet Tips for a Sluggish Thyroid

5 Diet Tips for a Sluggish Thyroid

Dealing with a sluggish thyroid? You might be feeling more fatigued than usual, and could be struggling with symptoms like weight gain, weak muscles, constipation, and dry skin. One thing that might help is to make sure that your diet supports healthy thyroid function. Let’s go over some helpful dietary tips now.

1. Consider a low-carb diet.

Having a hard time keeping off the extra pounds? Along with taking steps to support your thyroid function, you might consider switching to a low-carb diet.

Research shows that a diet that is low in carbohydrates may support long-term weight loss.

In fact, a low-carb diet can help you to shed stubborn belly fat. Also, if you are getting lots of protein as part of your diet, it can help you to feel more satiated. That means the temptation to overeat may be lower.

2. Make sure you are getting these important nutrients.

There are some key nutrients that your thyroid needs to function at its best. You need to make sure that your diet includes these nutrients. Consider getting more of the following:

  • Iodine
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

Of all of these, the one you are most likely to be deficient in statistically speaking is iodine. Around one out of every three people worldwide has an iodine deficiency.


3. Eat more seaweed and eggs.

What is the best way to get more iodine in your diet? Table salt can help in moderation, but you don’t want to overdo it with the sodium.

For that reason, you might want to increase your intake of foods that are rich in iodine. Seaweed is one excellent, healthy choice. Eggs are another. Plus, eggs are rich in selenium, so that is another great reason to eat more of them.

4. Avoid excess goitrogens.

Goitrogens are compounds that can make a sluggish thyroid worse. It is important to make sure you are not overindulging in foods that include them, particularly without cooking them, and especially if you are deficient in iodine.

Some common culprits include soy, starchy fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and spinach.

Obviously, these foods are highly nutritious and have other benefits. So, you may want to continue eating them in moderation. Cooking them may help to reduce your exposure to active goitrogens.

5. Take a supplement for thyroid support.

Along with including more foods in your diet rich in iodine, selenium, and zinc, and moderating those that are high in goitrogens, one more thing you can do is take a supplement for healthy thyroid function.

Supplements that support the thyroid include the nutrients we have already discussed as well as L-Tyrosine and Ashwagandha.

Whether you take just one of these supplements or you choose a product that contains a blend of these ingredients, taking it every day consistently will help you to get the full effects.

Remember that it can take time for your body to adjust. So, be patient with the transition, and give your new dietary choices at least a few months before you fully judge their results.





Thyroid Support is a dietary supplement taken daily to support thyroid function and promote healthy metabolism and weight. The 60 vegetarian capsules contain essential vitamin...