5 Misconceptions You May Have About Infertility

Are you having a difficult time trying to conceive? Problems with infertility are much more common than many couples realize. Indeed, couples also frequently believe other things about infertility that are simply not true. The more you understand about infertility, the better equipped you will be to deal with it. Below, we go over some misconceptions that are important to dispel.
1. It is just stress.
“If you just relax, you will be able to conceive.” This is something you probably have heard from family members, friends, people at work, and even random acquaintances. In fact, even your doctor may have uttered these words to you.
But here is the thing—they are totally incorrect. Stress is not a factor in preventing conception. Shady Grove Fertility explains, “One myth that has existed for many years is that stress can cause infertility and is often a contributing factor in unsuccessful fertility treatments. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this supposition, myths regarding stress and infertility continue to exist.”
2. It is by default the woman’s fault.
There seems to be an expectation when a couple cannot conceive that the woman is somehow to blame for the entire situation.
Banner Health writes, “According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), one-third of infertility cases are caused by male reproductive issues, one-third by female reproductive issues, and one-third by both parties or by unknown factors.”
So, focusing entirely on the woman is not a good way to resolve issues with infertility (it is also flat-out exist).
While we are on this topic, blaming either party is pointless. No one is at “fault” when it is simply their anatomy that is standing in the way of conception. We are not responsible for the hands that nature dealt us.
3. You can get pregnant by trying a particular sex position.
A lot of people think there is an ideal sex position for conception. But there is no research showing any higher likelihood of getting pregnant with any particular position.
4. You are too young to have infertility.
If you are not able to conceive, you might find yourself thinking something like, “But I’m only 30. How can I be infertile?” Alas, infertility can afflict someone at a young age. So, it is worth seeing a healthcare provider to find out what is going on. The sooner you do this, the better. The longer you wait, the harder it might be for you to conceive.
5. You are too old to conceive.
On the flipside, some people may feel tempted to give up because they think they are just too old to succeed. They might think, “But I am 35. Surely it is impossible to get pregnant at this age. Why bother continuing to try?”
If you do some research, you will discover that although it can be a challenge, there are plenty of success stories past the age of 35, and often even with other factors making it hard to get pregnant. So, you may want to consider continuing to try, even if you are getting older.
Many people believe one or more of the myths about infertility above, but now you know better. With this knowledge on your side, you can make better decisions as you move forward in your fertility journey. Good luck!