Quick Guide to Prostate Health

Did you know that most men will experience prostate discomfort to some degree as they get older?
A frequent need to urinate, difficulty while urinating, even urinary incontinence—these are all common and troubling symptoms.
Problems with prostate health can become a huge disruptor to day-to-day activities, and may lead to restless nights. Anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, and depression may follow. These may make other problems with your health worse as well.
Thankfully, you do not need to let your quality of life suffer. There is a lot you can do right now at home to restore balance to your prostate health.
Below, you can discover simple lifestyle tips to help alleviate prostate discomfort. You also will find out about nutrients and supplements which may give prostate health an added boost.
Quick Tips for Keeping Your Prostate Healthy
The following lifestyle tips are simple and easy to adopt as part of your daily routine, and may lead to a lessening of your discomfort.
- Try doing kegels. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, kegel exercises aren’t just for women. Men can perform them to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, reducing urinary symptoms and giving you more control over your bladder. Most men also report enhanced sexual performance!
- Check what is in your medications. If they contain decongestants and antihistamines, they may disturb your prostate health. Some bottles list warnings, but in other cases, you may need to do some research. Check with your doctor to make sure medication you're taking isn't interfering with your prostate health.
- Try not to leave the bathroom until you have completely emptied your bladder. In some cases, this may take several attempts, but it should spare you from having to return to the restroom as quickly. One suggestion is to relax for a few moments in between attempts. It's a simple tip that can go a long way.
- Consider urinating while sitting down. Yes, we're serious! When sitting down to urinate, you'll use more of your ab muscles and can typically do a better job of fully emptying your bladder.
- Limit caffeine and alcohol intake. This is especially important in the evening. They can interrupt your sleep in more ways than one, and increased liquids at night will result in more trips to the bathroom. Try to increase your fluid intake earlier in the day.
- Increase your fiber. By doing this, you can reduce constipation and take some added pressure off your prostate.
- Keep your weight under control. That means adopting a healthy diet and working out. Steer clear of unhealthy crash diets. Instead, pick a balanced diet like low-carb which you can maintain over the long run. A diet like this allows you to keep weight off after you lose it. It also nourishes your body without spiking your blood sugar or raising cardiovascular disease markers. Choose healthy fats for energy to fuel your workouts.
- Eat foods which are healthy for your prostate. Berries and other foods which are high in antioxidants are a good choice, as are fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. Ideally you'll avoid processed foods and added sugars.
- Relax! Stress can aggravate your prostate health, and your health in general. Exercise, meditation, and restful and adequate sleep all can go a long way to improving your overall health.
- Take a supplement to enhance prostate and urinary function. The best products are all-natural, containing vitamins, minerals, and herbs to bring balance to urinary health. Stay away from products with unnecessary additives, and buy from a manufacturer which uses high-quality, pure ingredients.
Beneficial Nutrients for Supporting Prostate Health
Now that you have some lifestyle tips on your side, let’s take a look at some nutritious supplements you can take for prostate support. Each of these extracts is backed by science.
Saw Palmetto
One of the most popular and well-researched natural remedies for prostate discomfort is saw palmetto extract, which comes from the fruit of a tree with the scientific name Serenoa repens.
Researchers have discovered (1) that saw palmetto may be as effective for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate, or BPH) as common prescription medication prescribed to treat prostate issues. Furthermore, it has fewer side effects. For this reason, it is considered to be a “safe, highly desirable option for men with moderately symptomatic BPH” (2). Additionally, it costs less and is not as likely to decrease levels of PSA (3).
Pygeum Extract
This extract comes from Pygeum africanum, more commonly known as the African cherry tree. Multiple studies have shown that Pygeum africanum extract is safe, effective, well-tolerated, and cost-effective as a treatment for moderate relief from the symptoms of BPH (4, 5).
Also called “plant sterol ester,” beta-sitosterol is derived from a number of plant species. Beta-sitosterol has a long history of use as a BPH remedy in Europe, and is making forays into Asia and other parts of the world. It has been found to significantly improve International Prostate Symptom Scores as well as quality of life scores for BPH sufferers (6).
Nettle Root
Nettle root extract comes from a plant called Urtica dioica, or “stinging nettle.” Quite a few studies have been conducted on nettle as a treatment for BPH, providing ample evidence for its benefits. It not only can provide relief from prostate symptoms, but can do so in a safe manner which is generally devoid of side effects (7).
Pumpkin Seed
Most of us have eaten pumpkin seeds, but did you know that the extract from pumpkin seeds may help with BPH? Multiple animal studies (8, 9) can attest to the BPH-fighting powers of pumpkin seed. Human studies (10) have also shown that pumpkin seed oil is able to inhibit 5-α-reductase, in turn balancing hormones and supporting prostate health. Research also confirms (11) that pumpkin seed oil extract can combat the symptoms of overactive bladder.
Prostate Relief May Be Closer Than You Think
If the need to urinate is constantly getting you up in the night or calling you away from your everyday activities, it may feel like your life will never get back to normal. But many men with prostate issues are able to find relief through simple lifestyle choices coupled with natural supplementation. Try making changes and adding some of these nourishing herbal extracts to your diet. You may be amazed at the difference!
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