Gardening With Seasonal Discomfort

Gardening With Seasonal Discomfort

Your lawn isn't going to take care of itself. Well, it might, but the end result will be something closer to a jungle than a garden. When left unchecked, your lawn will sprout a dictionary of weeds that will redefine your view on “the beauty of nature.” Even more alarming, an unchecked lawn can bring pests into your home; once there's enough cover from predators, insects and other wildlife will seek refuge in an unmanaged lawn. The best way to keep that from happening is to put on your canvas gloves and get to work, but what do you do if you're one of the many people who grapple with seasonal discomfort every year?


Tip #1: Diversify Your Stalks and Fronds


One of the culprits behind seasonal discomfort is pollen production. The more plants there are of one particular type, the more pollen that you can expect in an area. To keep your pollen density down, diversify the types of plants that are in your garden or on your landscape. Not only will you get a more colorful display to greet you every Spring season, but you'll also reduce the sheer volume of pollen production.


Tip #2: Keep Your Flowers Where They Grow


Growing a small amount of flowers in your yard will not do you much harm, but growing a lot of them will practically invite the pollen into your sinuses. Don't overdo it on the flowers, and definitely keep them outside. When you've got a beautiful row of roses or goldenrod, it can be very tempting to cut a few and put them in water in your home. Choose cut flowers from a florist instead; most are grown to be low pollen, or completely pollen free.


Tip #3: Become a Neat Freak


It's been said in other articles, but to repeat this tip; shower and clean your clothes as often as possible. That includes bath time for any pets that you let roam through your yard. One of the culprits behind seasonal discomfort is the pollen that can cling to clothing, hair, and other surfaces that have been outside. Pets in particular are well known for their love of rubbing against things that are fragrant; when flowers are in the picture, it's an obvious magnet for their attention. Regular cleaning and hygiene will keep your seasonal discomfort to a minimum.


Tip #4: Don't Be Afraid to Retreat


Some people get started on a project and then insist on working at it until it's completed. For people with seasonal discomfort, this can be a mistake. The last thing you'll want is to start out the day feeling perfectly fine, and then accumulate your exposure to pollen. You may not notice the symptoms at first, but once they begin to compound and your tissues begin to inflame, it can take much longer for you to find relief. Take breaks whenever you're gardening to clean yourself off, and enjoy a little air conditioning while you're there.


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