Three Herbal Cocktails and Their Benefits

Three Herbal Cocktails and Their Benefits

Mixing the right cocktail is all about playing to the strengths of your ingredients. Every aspect of the drink should be, in some part, built on the foundation of what you put into it. With a little luck and the right measurements, it's easy to make a drink that both tastes great and leaves you feeling all the better for having enjoyed it. When you add herbal ingredients into the picture, you can even get a cocktail that could have surprising benefits.

Mint Juleps

  • The Drink
    An American classic of bourbon mixed with sugar and mint leaves over crushed ice. The Mint Julep was actually responsible for the modern invention of the straw; its inventory wanted a way to drink it without warming the glass with his hand, or using the popular solution of a wheat straw. He instead came up with a taxed paper tube, which eventually became the plastic device we're all familiar with today.
  • The Herb
    Mint's got a lot going for it;  aside from freshening your breath, mint's good for soothing indigestion. It can also help to relieve nausea. The fresh oil of a crushed mint leaf may be a good way to stay as frosty as your drink.

Kachumber Cooler

  • The Drink
    Take gin, add cilantro, cucumber slices, lime juice, and if you're feeling adventurous, chilies. Simple syrup is a must. This cool and spicy drink is an eye-opener on a hot day, and the addition of cilantro can make it a very unique experience for yourself or your guests. The name “Kachumber” actually refers to an Indian salad made of similar ingredients, but we've left the tomato and onion out of the equation.
  • The Herb
    Cilantro's a popular herb, always best when served fresh. It can also help to cleanse toxic metals, believe it or not. The chemicals inside of the plant naturally bind to toxic substances and help to get them off the flesh, making this a cleansing drink for the body and the spirit.

Rosemary Sloe Gin Fizz

  • The Drink
    A charming alternative to the usual brunch beverage of a Bloody Mary, a Rosemary Gin Fizz is a spin on the herb-less variety that adds more aromatics into the mix for a refreshing experience during your mid-day meal. Gin fizzes can be made with sloe gin as well, which gets its name from the sloe drupes, a plum-like fruit which is included in the liquor's recipe.
  • The Herb
    Rosemary can improve your digestion, and has a lot of antioxidants in it, making it a natural candidate for a drink to have for your recovery brunch. Some researchers have also suggested that it can help to improve your cognitive functions if ingested regularly, but we'd recommend looking into a supplement as opposed to the gin fizz method of delivery. A chemical found in rosemary, carnosic acid, can even help to promote healthier eyes which is good news because you'll need your vision to know when to order another.


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