The Benefits of 5-HTP

The Benefits of 5-HTP

5-HTP, otherwise known as “5-Hydroxytryptophan”, is a compound that is produced in your body whenever it makes serotonin. In previous articles, we've discussed the importance that serotonin has in mood regulation, which is why for...
Food and Mood: Iron

Food and Mood: Iron

Whenever Popeye or his friends were in danger, the grizzled sailor would simply pop open a can of spinach and gain both a passion for fighting, and incredible strength. In those days, spinach was promoted...
Four Healthy Drink Ideas for the Winter

Four Healthy Drink Ideas for the Winter

If you're living in the parts of America and Canada that are getting hit with the dreaded “Polar Vortex” phenomena, you already know that it can put a serious hurting on your ability to go...
Fighting the Winter Blues

Fighting the Winter Blues

Seasonal affective disorder, appropriately shortened as SAD, is a real condition that many of us may take at face value; it's known as winter depression, and though you may not realize it, it can seriously...
Sleep and How It Effects Your Mood

Sleep and How It Effects Your Mood

“Beauty rest” may not be a cute way of describing a restful night of sleep. When we get the right amount of sleep at night, it helps us to be more alert, but it also...
Nasal Irrigation and Seasonal Discomfort

Nasal Irrigation and Seasonal Discomfort

We've all seen it; that strange little blue pot, sometimes made of plastic, usually in a bathroom. We've seen the commercials. We may have even seen someone use it, or try to tell us about...
4 Simple Tips to Improve Your Mood

4 Simple Tips to Improve Your Mood

There are a lot of products out there that will say they can boost your mood. Some work, but others aren't quite as genuine as they claim. Apart from supplements, there are day to day...
Food and Mood: Carbohydrates

Food and Mood: Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates aren't the dirty word that they used to be. During the early-to-mid 2000's, carbs were seen as the primary cause of weight gain in the Western diet, and there may be some truth to...
Foods That Can Help, or Harm, Your Quality of Sleep

Foods That Can Help, or Harm, Your Quality of Sleep

Sleep is an important part of how we feel throughout our day. If we're low on the amount of sleep, or the quality of that sleep isn't quite what it should be, then it can...
Foods that Fight Hangovers

Foods that Fight Hangovers

There's nothing wrong with a little alcohol in moderation, but let's be honest; most people don't do moderation with their drinks. The trickiest part about a night of drinking is that the more you imbibe,...