Better Living Through Solar Power

Better Living Through Solar Power

The sun's good for a lot of things: It produces the natural light that we use to keep our electricity bills low, keeps the world at a generally agreeable temperature most of the time, and...
Hangovers and Travel - What You Need To Know

Hangovers and Travel - What You Need To Know

Now that the weather's warmed up in most parts of the country, and a lot of students are graduating from college, it may be that time of the year when vacation is on your mind....
Pushing Through the Pain: How to Exercise with a Hangover

Pushing Through the Pain: How to Exercise with a Hangover

Unless you're one of the few people who can drink quite a bit without experiencing a significant hangover, chances are that you'll encounter those days when you're supposed to hit the gym with a prior...
A Brief History of Nasal Irrigation

A Brief History of Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation has recently garnered a lot of attention in the West, due in no small part to the television commercials which feature people using small, plastic, tea pot-shaped devices to pour water through one...
The Importance of Iodine

The Importance of Iodine

Iodine's got an important part to play in the function of your thyroids, but that's not the only benefit that it has for your health. Much like calcium and magnesium, iodine can be found in...
The Skinny on Selenium

The Skinny on Selenium

Named for selene, which means “Moon,” Selenium was first discovered in 1817. It is mainly found in ores, and is a byproduct of their processing. Primarily used in everything from pigments to computer parts, selenium's...
How to Boost Your Thyroid

How to Boost Your Thyroid

The importance of proper thyroid function cannot be overstated, but there isn't a lot of common knowledge about what can be done for thyroid function outside of a professional, medical environment. For those who want...
Three Herbal Cocktails and Their Benefits

Three Herbal Cocktails and Their Benefits

Mixing the right cocktail is all about playing to the strengths of your ingredients. Every aspect of the drink should be, in some part, built on the foundation of what you put into it. With...
Three Odd Mood Boosters

Three Odd Mood Boosters

The human mind is a strange bath of chemicals, wrapped around a center that stores light, sound, and other forms of information in a container that is said to be one of the most complex...
Mood and Food: Sugar

Mood and Food: Sugar

There are times when nothing can give you a more effective pick-me-up than something fast and sweet, but is there any science behind our love of candy and how it can effect our mood? Sugar's...