Odd Hangover Remedies from Around the World

Odd Hangover Remedies from Around the World

You've no doubt heard of the “hair of the dog,” or the raw egg as miracle remedies for your hangover. How about the milk of a buffalo, or some old fashioned black magic? From eating parts...
Two Quick and Easy Changes That Can Improve Your Mood

Two Quick and Easy Changes That Can Improve Your Mood

Sometimes, a change in mood can happen without warning. All it takes is a comment, a new task at work, an interaction with a friend, or even just a moment of quiet contemplation to raise...
Why Liver Health Matters

Why Liver Health Matters

Whether you're occasionally enjoy a glass of wine, or just enjoy living, a liver's a good friend to have. It's one of the largest organs in your body, and handles a lot of the important...
Three Healthy Comfort Foods to Boost Your Mood

Three Healthy Comfort Foods to Boost Your Mood

The most notorious comfort foods, however, are full of calories. If you're on a diet, most are out of the question. Even if you aren't, eating comfort foods consistently can definitely create an uncomfortable situation...
Food and Mood: Diet and Exercise

Food and Mood: Diet and Exercise

A positive attitude is one of the keys to exercise and losing weight, but changing your diet and your exercise habits can both have an impact on your mood, whether you realize it or not....
Three Ways to Stay Hydrated While Drinking

Three Ways to Stay Hydrated While Drinking

One of the most common tips for avoiding, or fighting, a hangover is to drink plenty of water. We already know that we should drink water during our regular, day to day activities. The amount...
Five Fast Foods to Fight a Hangover

Five Fast Foods to Fight a Hangover

One of the hardest parts of fighting a hangover is dealing with your appetite. After you've spent hours torturing your gut with all manner of intoxicant, it often doesn't itself doesn't have the stomach for...
Making Sense of Milk Thistle

Making Sense of Milk Thistle

Even the healthiest diet will come across certain ingredients or substances which are toxic. All meat, to some extent, contains toxins. Organic foods can contain toxins. Even the air that we breathe and the water...
The Benefits of 5-HTP

The Benefits of 5-HTP

5-HTP, otherwise known as “5-Hydroxytryptophan”, is a compound that is produced in your body whenever it makes serotonin. In previous articles, we've discussed the importance that serotonin has in mood regulation, which is why for...
Food and Mood: Iron

Food and Mood: Iron

Whenever Popeye or his friends were in danger, the grizzled sailor would simply pop open a can of spinach and gain both a passion for fighting, and incredible strength. In those days, spinach was promoted...